Monday 13 August 2018

OPEN Signage Typography

After I finish  work, I tend to stop by the town centre and have a look around the shops and I realised that the 'OPEN' business signs actually vary quite a bit form shop to shop therefore I found it an interest to photograph the different shop signage in my area.

I didn't really get much photos from the are as most of the shops are closed or don't really have any signage at all. The ones I've found however, were pretty generic especially the neon/LED signage on corner shops. However, there are some that used san serif fonts which I think may be an attempt to look quite modern; the colours (yellow and black) however I think are a bit of a mismatch as they look a bit like danger or warning signs that you see on the street which may elicit the wrong responses form customers or people walking by. It may also be not as effective as it could've been because of the colours used.
  • pretty generic
  • san serif and serif give different vibes for different shops
  • corner shops more rugged 
  • restaurants more professional maybe san serif for modern look
  • printed and illuminated led (dynamic) attractive --> persuasive, communicative, effective
  • colourful 
  • size is quite small so have to be colourful (capitals)

Because i haven't really found much signage in Luton I'm going to find more when I come back to Leeds as I know Leeds is a bigger city with much more interesting shops where I can find more unique signage hopefully.

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