Monday 17 December 2018

OUGD503 Module Briefing

"This Brief offers you the opportunity to identify, develop and exploit your own individual design identity within the context of contemporary Graphic Design practice. You will be encouraged to make independent choices regarding the focus of your investigation and appropriate resolution of your ideas."

Studio Brief 1

  • Select and resolve a range of live and/or competition briefs appropriate to your individual emerging practice and interests. This is an opportunity for you to investigate content, processes, products and techniques that will help you to understand and define your own creative ambitions within the field of Graphic Design.
Studio Brief 2
  • Working collaboratively ;  focus on the role of the creative team and collaborative approaches to solving creative problems... where you stand within the team. Combine your technical, practical and theoretical skills (as well as identifying new skills that need to be developed).
Live Brief Institutions:
  • D&AD *(Uni pays for D&AD £15)
  • YCN
  • ISTD
  • RSA (Branding, Sustainability, Packaging)
  • Penguin (Book Covers)
  • Studio Blogs
  • Design Boards (if doing loads of live briefs, maybe group the briefs according to the theme e.g. logo briefs, packaging brief etc.) 
  • Product/Proposals
  • Written Evaluation
  • End of Module Evaluation

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