Saturday 27 April 2019

SB2: Pinpointing The Main Problem/Focus of my Theme

After the crit one of the feedback I got was the fact that I haven't fully pinpointed a specific problem that I wanted to solve or delve into. Therefore, I decided to start again and mind-mapped the points that I thought were the problems and things that I wanted to look into. I found that most of them interrelated, therefore I could put most of them under one theme or heading and pinpoint the specific problem that I want to delve into from there. From this these are the themes/problems that I came up with:
  • Connectivity - in terms of your social media activity being interrelated together.
  • Social media tailoring - the user themselves use social media for a certain goal or purpose.
I think from these, going back to the original point that was interesting to me during the crit: "what we put out is what comes back" I think I'm going to go for Social Media Tailoring, although it might not sound like a problem I think this encompasses problems like:
  • Social media addiction
  • Catfishing
  • multiple identities 
I'm going to research further into this in order to create an outcome which effectively showcases and tackles the problem. 

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