Tuesday, 7 May 2019

SB2: Module Evaluation

Overall, I though that this module fast, especially with the first brief being done in about 2 weeks I felt that it was really short and therefore feel like the amount of work I did for that brief was a bit rushed in a way. Although, I was quite invested in it as it was something that I'm personally participating in therefore I knew the most about the subject, it led me to do quite a bit of research. Though it did seem a bit rushed I am happy with my outcome, however the only thing I was disappointed about was how it was presented in the exhibition. As I stated in my blogs before, it was intended to be stuck on the wall along with the feet stickers on the floor, it may be because there weren't room or it's initially showcasing the first year's work but I thought that the point of the map kind of became redundant and didn't work as effectively as I wanted it to be.

For SB2, I was initially very confused with which part of social media I wanted to focus on. I thought I was focused when I wanted to do it on 'multiple identities' however after the initial crit, I realised that it was too vague and wasn't really answering a problem, and this was the main thing that I struggled with. Throughout the brief I went back and forth with my ideas that I felt like I was in this rabbit hole of vague ideas. However, through peer crits and more focused researched I did manage to pull through and I think that my outcome is quite effective. I am satisfied with it but if I was to develop it further it could be more polished than it already is. All in all though it was a really short module, I think I did alright in the amount of time that we had for each module and was a good module to end the year with.

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