Thursday 9 November 2017

Fourth Typeface Development : Unconformable

Following my previous development of my typeface I have decided to create smooth terminals for my letter faces  

As seen in these letters the curved terminals really makes a difference on the typefaces and makes them look more consistent now. They still attain their own qualities from the rule that was applied from idea 2 (curving straight stems and straightening curves (counters)). I also think that the typeface looks much more cleaner and refined as they all have the same feel and aesthetic too it compared to the third development. I also found that the typeface has started to have its own personality as the now subtle angular strokes on letter like 'a' still creates a strong and confident aesthetic to it, whilst also the combination of curved stems and straight legs in . letters such as 'h' has created an interesting boldness to the character with the opposing shapes complementing each other and making the letter work.

I also put the letters in a word in order to see how they would look and feel like when used in some context.

i feel that by having the letters in a sentence it has create a very distinct characteristic to it, which is being assertive and strong and modern. It has an aesthetic which can be used in serious tones such as propaganda posters; also it may be used in editorial titles and headings as it also has some modern unique elements. However, I feel like it would not be used as body text as it may become eligible when scaled down and and some letters may overlap or become smaller altogether.

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