Thursday, 2 November 2017

{Notes} Illustrator Induction 2 : Totoro

  • if using Photoshop file on Illustrator do 'File Place'.
  • cmnd + r = Ruler guide for alignment purposes
  • double click layer for layer options --> option for template layer (50% dim image)
  • joining two paths together --> direct selection tool and select two anchor points from ends of the pen lines to join them together --> object menu (path --> join) or [object --> path --> average = lines (anchors) sit right on top of each other]
  • pencil tool = can freely make lines and close shape and re-draw on them and automatically changes and closes the shape
  • smooth tool = smooths over the shape (also deletes anchor points) and makes the shape simpler
  • Alt key + using select tool to select shape then hold alt key to copy whilst moving object
  •  duplicate while moving shape = click reflect tool 
  • moving objects to different layers = select objects then on layers palette click coloured square and move it to new layer.
  • reflecting object symmetrically = select object --> click reflect tool --> position point of reflection (guide) --> click alt + shift --> move object anywhere / position it to where you want it.-
  • varying stoke width = click uniform (shows stroke profile) --> click first option *creates paths with an organic feel
  • expanding appearance (object) = closing path of object making it simpler and making it a shape.
  • width tool = changes width of object more freely and manipulate it exactly you needed it without using a preset (*simplyfring by expanding appearance)
  • stroke palette menu = shows all option --> *cap = end of path, *corner = corners of path lines/stroke
  • working with grouped objects = double click grouped object (isolation mode) * going onto the actual group objects separately --. able to change the objects individually --> double click again to deselect

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