Friday, 8 March 2019

SB1: Initial Idea Sketch

I started to draft out an initial drawing for the map that I'm intending to make. I haven't actually planned  out how I'm going to create the map, however my main idea was to map out the chorus of the song that we are doing. I thought simplifying the moves to stick line drawings would be the best as it would make it easier for the audience to understand and comprehend what is happening and what the move it of the dance. I also included the body, assuming that the audience does not know what the song and dance it, therefore they will need to understand and see what everything in order to do the moves. 

I don't have much idea yet in how I'm going to go forward with this, however as of now I do know that showing the whole body structure along with the hand and feet movements to the song is important in order to make the audience understand and interact with the map, therefore I will make this centre of my design throughout the refinement and development of this brief. 

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