Friday, 8 March 2019

SB1: Peer Crit

Today, we had our peer crit for our SB1 Mapping brief and I presented my Dance choreography idea to the rest of the group.

I tried to summarise my idea as much as possible and told them my references and research behind in order for them to give me ideas as I'm currently stuck on what to do with it and how I should initiate the design process.

These are the responses that I got:
  • research is good on kine sphere - I should them my research on rudolf laban's kinesphere analysis and they thought it was the most interesting and probably reference it more in my design. 
  • Flipbook - I was also kind of stuck to how I could present and produce the map, and someone suggested if I could make it into a flip book. I though this was a good idea because it it can emphasise the movements really well as it will be quite smooth and dynamic. However, after evaluating it again it may compromise the interactive aspect that I wanted the audience to have with it. However, I thought it would be really hard to screen print as I should have to screen print each page.  
  • screen print - gradient light (first) end (dark) They suggested maybe I could use use the gradient effect when screen printing in order to indicate the start and end f the movement sin the flip book or another production process that I try. 
  • concertina - (runs along) I could make a concertina in order to show the process of the movements on each page and the back pages. 
Thoughts & Reflection:

I think I got some good feedback from my peers and they liked my idea and my research and referencing behind it. I also  thought the flip book idea was good however I feel like I want to push the interactivity aspect to it more rather than the audience reading it so I maybe need to just refer to the idea. I also liked other people's idea like Eloise's idea of mapping the Corn Exchange building, which I thought was really cool and she could maybe emboss of the paper stock material that she's using in order to emulate the 3D aspect that she wanted. 

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