Thursday, 1 February 2018

5x Poster Design Interim Crit

This morning, we did a crit in our crit groups to get feedback for our poster designs for studio brief one.

From the crit I got suggestions on which ones are my best ideas and which ones I can improve better at and make it more radical and fun.
design 1
design 2

design 3
  • "the whole idea if like...if you didn't explain it to me i wouldn't understand it" 
design 4
  • "rotate the bar a bit so it lines up with how the letter go"
  • "it looks a bit like a book cover"
  • "lay it all down by hand...and if the numbers were thicker..."
design 5
  • "get a massive speaker and put your phone on top of a speaker and a tray and put pieces of paper down and then tap each sound..."
From the crit, I think some good suggestions which I can try and use to develop some of my design, I also realised some stuff from the fit that I didn't notice before e.g. the white bar on design 4 apparently makes the poster look like a book cover, which may be because it looks like the spin of the book. I could try changing the border from took make it look less like a spin. Also, I also thought that my first design was the worst, as I just didn't like how the composition of the numbers and the type looked together as I think it looks very rough and GCSEish. However, my group actually didn't like design 3 as the concept behind it was too vague and hard to understand if the poster wasn't explained. Although, maybe I can come up of way in which I can present the concept in a much clearer way such as better use of the shapes. For design 1 though, people suggested keeping the images as they liked how it looked crisp and 3dish and so maybe I can use that as the background more by making it larger and more prominent on the page.

Though the criteria was really helpful in terms of picking which ones were the best and worst and which ones people preferred, I didn't really get much suggestions on how I could radically change the designs which I was kind of disappointed about. I think to radically change my designs I have to think of ideas myself from what I gathered from the crit. Also, looking at other people's designs I realised that I didn't really think about the audio and communication part of the design, therefore these are also the areas which I shall consider when further developing my designs.

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