Saturday, 10 February 2018

Golan Levin

Golan Levin is a performance artist and a software engineer who specialises in using technology and software in order to create cart with computers and making computers into a "personal mode of expression".

He focuses on the interactivity of his designs through different performances, installations and virtual environments where his audience can use and play about. Levi also highlights how we interact with different softwares and digital technology and emphasises the relationship we have with our machines by creating designs which explores different ways in which we communicate with machines and software.

Levin's way of exploring human interaction with machines as well as the demonstration of how people communicate with machines span from making installations that visualises a person's gestures and speeches in real time meaning the audience directly is engaging with his designs and are in some ways part of the design, as they are needed ignorer for it to work and to be prove. This is a great way of changing how the audience and art relationship is as it may be normally seen that an audience is only able to observe a piece of art or design, however in Levin's designs the human is needed in order t complete it.

I quite like the ideas behind Levin's work and the interactive aspects to it as you can really get engaged with the idea as well as feel like you are communicating with the machine, and maybe in might even make you realise how you communicate with the machine and how it's integrated in our every lives so much.

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