Sunday 29 October 2017

Josef Muller-Brockmann : Grid systems (Typeface Alphabet)

In his book Grid systems Josef Muller-Brockmann talked about typefaces in which he mentioned how the "knowledge of quality of a typeface is of the greatest important for the functional, aesthetic and psychological effect of printed matter". He's also selected 9 typeface which he though were typeface that were "pleasant'" and "easily legible". I think that it's also important to think about the functionality and effect of a typeface swell as as how it looks in order for it to be considered a 'good' typeface. I think that it should be able to communicate the brand of image that it's trying to portray as well as be able to come across to an audience in a way in which it's intended to e.g. an economical typeface for a supermarket brand. It should also be pleasing to look in order for it to have impact and a face; as well as the fact that people these days are more conscious about typography, especially logotypes for companies e.g. fashion brands, as consumers feel that owning something from a certain brand can say something about who they are and their identity.


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