We did an interim criteria for our Studio Brief 3 in our groups in order to generate more ideas and collect opinions on our initial designs. I made five initial ideas which I presented to the group and got feedback from.
During the crit people liked different ideas one was the third idea which was 'pleasing to look at' and also votes on the fourth and last ideas, however the most prominent one was the second idea. Also, their was a suggestion of combining idea four and three where I could use the grid from idea four and use it as the grid on developing idea two. In addition, it was also suggested I'd make a double-sided poster for my final outcome showing a type specimen, quote and rationale on the it. However, I would think about when I could make this and if I have enough time; although I would like to make it as it could be a great way of showcasing my work and ideas.
For further development, I've chosen to develop idea two as I think it would look great as a series and I think it has the strongest basis of rules out of all the ideas I have, which would make the typeface look consistent and could possibly work well in context such as an editorial page. Also, with consistency it will develop it's own characters such as being 'refine', 'functional' etc. To add to that, I may also make the curves very accurate by following the curves on the letter which they originally came from, this outcome ,ay either come out interesting or awkward as the curves may look too much and heavy for the typeface, however I will still do this as it may lead me more to further developing my work. I will also develop this idea with experimenting and combing it would idea four (combining grids) as I think it could come out with interesting typefaces and could maybe improve the work; this may mean that the letterforms will fit perfectly on the grid or i'll have to force the letterforms in them. Overall, I think the crit went well and I've got ideas and opinions on which direction I should take my design further.
Design influenced by not conforming to rules of typography regarding the ascenders and descender on the guidelines. |
Design based on the idea of taking the rules of typography and doing the opposite e.g. straight stems = curvy stems. |
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