Monday, 15 January 2018

Initial Idea: Book Cover Set 1

The first sets of books I created were based on the Marker grid that is used in the Penguin books. The use of the Marker grid helps form a clear hierarchy of information on the page, making it very clear and easy for the readers. 

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
For this story I created a collaged design of my photocopied work and excel work in order to create a design depicting a person's eye being blindfolded. I focused on the idea of the citizens in the city ignoring the fact that the child locked in the cellar is the reason why they are wealthy and happy. The citizens themselves chose their own happiness and chose to turn a blind eye from the truth. My usage of black and white was influenced by the mood of the story and how the people put themselves and the child in the dark of what is really happening in the city. 

The Lottery
For The Lottery I recreated the scene of the stoning that happens at the end of the story where Tessie is in the middle of the crowd being stoned by the people of the town but instead of using a person in the middle I used a stone to also reference the stones used by the people. I recreated this using my photocopied designs. Having the design wrap around the book makes it look really uniformed and 'complete'. The relation between the front and back of the cover may help with keeping people interested as it may make them interact with the book while trying to look at the full design from front to back. Again, the use of black and white also links to the mood and genre of the book (horror, thriller). 

2B R 0 2B

For this story, I tried showing the telephone clique in a different way by using the graphic notations that I made for Ave Maria which was the soundtrack of the film adaptation of the story. I also though the graphic notations could also represent old telephone cables and infinitely interchangeable life through the the loops created. 

I quite like this set of cover as I thought that the collages that I've created gave the cover a nice depth which instantly give the cover another element and layer to it, rather than having it flat on the page. Out of the three I liked the cover for 'The Lottery' as I thought it grasped the theme and idea of the story well through the uses of colour, and materials which made it look quite handmade. 

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