Monday, 22 January 2018

Book Covers Final Crit

On, Friday we had our final crit for our book cover studio brief. In the final crit I got some really useful feedback form my peers which I could take on board in order to develop and make changes to my final designs.

What I did well:
  • "Your rationale is clear and concise"
  • "each of your justifications for each book cover you have extensive detail"
  • context behind image/design is not very obvious
  • clear set of covers and visual language.
What I could do better:
  • Consistent typeface/ e.g. point size for each book
  • Add elements of colour
  • The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas seems the weakest.
From the feedback that i got form the crit, I've gathered opinion and ideas from my peers which I could use in order to improve my work further. From the crit I've received positive feedback regarding the research that I found which enabled me to create innovative designs for each book covers and avoiding cliche's that I found form researching existing book covers. I think that I also did a good job and making sure that the book covers works as a set as people told me and it may be because my use of typography and colour. Regarding my use of typography and colour, I think I need to improve in these areas. I agree with people telling me to add colour to my designs, as I realised that they may look to safe and boring when compared to other competing books. I think that adding a specific colour which relates to the concept and ideas behind the book will work well as it has a direct link to the book and something that can  e seen as a motif from the set as well. In addition, I also think that I need to change the point sizes of my covers and make sure that they re all the same and uniformed so that they work better as a set. Also, I'm going to change some details such as making sure designs are centred properly (as pointed out form people that the '2B R 0 2B' cover is not centred properly). 

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