Tuesday, 8 January 2019

SB2: Research

After talking to Dom and Orlando, we were advised to research more and provide a stronger and more solid pitch that will be beneficial and effectively in showcasing a collaboration between me and other people in other practices, right now it's a bit weak.


What are zodiac signs 

Zodiac signs are divided into twelve signs each occupying 30 degrees of the celestial longitude corresponding to the constellations. 

Horoscope Astrology 

Kind of astrology that uses a visual representation of the heavens for a specific moment in time in relation to the planets in that moment.

Why are millennials interested in horoscopes? 
  • Being overly superstitious
  • Often horoscopes are true, reinforcing them to read it more frequently and giving hope that something positive will happen. Part of why they can be 'true' is also because they are kept vague keeping it relevant to everyone's life. 
  • People still want to believe in them, so they read it for affirmations - read between the lines
  • Idea of compatibility - make people expect something that may happen between them and the sign they are compatible with, keeping it relevant to their social/ personal life. 

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