Thursday, 17 January 2019


I thought of spending time reflecting on how I've been managing my time between the two briefs as last week I felt very overwhelmed as I felt that I did absolutely the opposite of my initial intentions, which stressed me out very much and resulting in me not progressing as much as I want to. 

Firstly, reflecting back on what I've initially intended to do, where I'd allocate 2 weeks 'purely' focusing on one brief at a time (2 weeks for SB1 ; 2 weeks for SB2) have cOMPLETELY GONE OUT THE WINDOW!!! I found myself focusing on SB2 much more than SB1 and resulted in me falling behind on SB1. However, I feel like this is because SB2 have become refined than SB1 that I was more willing to do it in order to get things done and in return I've started to just 'slot in' SB1 wherever I could find time. Also, because I'm collaborating with 3 other people, I'm more pressured to do more things and a better job for SB2 because I don't want to let anybody down and make them feel like they're doing all the work. Furthermore, I also want to contribute more to this publication as it's a way for me to improve my communication skills better, as before in other group projects I've always been the one to just do what I've been assigned to do. I want to put forward my thoughts and ideas more starting from now, that's why I've invested more time in SB2 to ensure that our publication is what we intend it to do and look and actually hopefully be an ongoing publication within the university.

On the other hand, SB1 is an individual brief. I can go on my own pace and schedule myself more freely; also because of this I felt that I've scheduled SB1 around SB2 and made less work for it. Not intentionally, but I feel that I've been neglecting SB1.

Very different to my initial plans, working with the two briefs at the same time seems a better idea and use of my time, however I will try and balance them out more these coming weeks. I definitely have to catch up with work on SB1 and hopefully start working on designs by the end of this week in order for me to be in a more comfortable situation than I am now. 

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