Friday 16 March 2018

Final publication back cover dilemma

Another, thing I was uncertain of about the final publication was it's back cover,as i kept the back cover as the sources/bibliography of the publication. I was uncertain about it because I wasn't sure whether I should put a black cover in order to work well with the black front cover or keep it more interesting with the sources. I got some mixed responses as some wanted to keep it but some wanted to put a cover on it. Personally, as I've seen how  it looks without i decided to try putting a back cover on it,; also because it was bothering me quite a bit as i thought that it just doesn't look like a complete book without a back cover on it.And, it turns out that it made the publication look much better than it did, as it seemed to tie in the publication together and, also I thought the front and back cover being the same colour made it look much better than having just the sources.

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