Friday, 20 April 2018

J Card Initial Ideas Crit

After creating our J card designs we then had a crit. From the crit I got some helpful feedback and things that I may use for the future developments of my designs.

In the crit people seem to like the first three designs. People liked how the major and minor had "very effective minimal line work" and on the structured rhyme design how its "very dynamic". Most people really liked the colours on the traditional design (red, blue and white) with some suggesting to incorporate it to other designs with less vibrant colours like the major and minor design. The trap inspired design didn't really get any feedback due to it maybe being "too dull". I may need to re-think on how I could represent this music in a more effective and impactful way in order for it to be more prominent and eye-catching. Someone also reminded me of text layout, which I have started to think about when I was doing these designs. I thought I could put the text on the ares were there's less designs and patterns , and with thinking of the text layout I may also need to think about the typography that goes with it. Also, someone wanted to see the Korean alphabet typography, just like from the flag design ideas, which makes me think that maybe adding more of the Korean Alphabet for the typography may improve the overall aesthetic of the designs that I'm creating.

Overall, this crit has helped me a bit on how I could push the idea further, with people giving me helpful suggestions and well as things that made me question myself on further layout of my overall design. Also, looking at other people's design, I noticed they really pinpointed septic event or interesting facts about their genre e.g. Kocha and his criminal justice design, which made me think that I may need to do more in-deoth research in order to create more unusual but innovative ideas and designs.


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