Thursday 19 April 2018

Using Threshold on Photoshop

  • Desaturate image first --> brightnesss/contrast - make sure details aren't lost 
  • Double-click layer to make it a layer (unlock)
  • Right-click --> duplicate (two layers and switch off top layer)
  • Image -->  threshold (darken the image and add lighter layer on top
  • Image/adjustments --> hue and saturation (bottom layer)
  • go to top layer (multiply) *show both layers overlaid together
  • Bitmap texture
  • Image --> Grayscale --> bitmap
  • Halftone (low frequency to keep detail e.g. 20. 
  • from bitmap to grayscale --> rgb colour 
*can use textures for depth etc.

Removing white background to create overlay option 
  • select --> colour range
  • *click white area --> delete
  • (repeat both process on both layers)

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