Friday 27 April 2018

STUDIO BRIEF 2: Starting to Develop our Concept (Origin)

Origin: Micro-genre's of Music

  • technology brings a new genre
  • evolution of typography 
  • symbols for genres
  • having wristband made out of of the rolls in the cassette (if glove idea won't work) 
  • Bodoni for typography?
  • Archive of the micro-genre's/ book for cassette and flag
  • stands for cassettes
  • earthy, brown, black colour, red, green, natural, beige-y colours
(Logo, colours, typeface - visualise through collages, mood boards, presentation to present to group on Monday)

  • zine for publication of categorisation of genre's
  • cursive font?
  • postcard invite? O on one side etc.

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