Monday 30 April 2018

STUDIO BRIEF 2: Exhibition Branding

Things for today:
  • What is the basic concept?
  • What researched it's based on? Gather it for presentation...
  • Does it communicate core ideas of the exhibition? How does it communicate?
  • It is clear and simple?
  • What are the rules? Why type, colour, layout, productions is used?
  • Logo, typeface, image
  • Rule on how to treat image? use Circle? 
  • Formats for social media? 
  • Colour in limited range/ pantones?
  • Production--> method, paper stock, materials, cost...
Things I'm doing:
  • Publication Design 
  • Layout of Archive/Catalogue
  • maybe have it all word/paragraphs --> visual description
  • maybe have the publication as the actual invite?
  • a4 publication 
  • newsprint material?

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