Today, I decided to do some practice screen printing for my j-cards. I was gonna screen print my final today but I felt that I might mess it up because I haven't really had much experience with screen printing before and because this is for an exhibition I want it to look the best that it can. I bought some practice paper stock that is quite similar to the ones that I will screen print my final on e.g. grey coloured paper.
I had some problems when I was screen printing because most of them were quite faint and you couldn't really see the design at all. It may be because the material itself wasn't absorbing it properly or that the paint may not be thick enough or that I wasn't putting pressure on it enough. However, I did try to put a lot of pressure and about 3 turned out alright, which may just be my problem because I put it on a big screen.
I think so that I can get the prints as clear as possible I'll just keep the side of the screen s close as possible to me so that i can put as much pressure as I can and put a lot of paint on it while flooding the screen.
I also had problems with lining up my designs making it look quite blurry than they actually are which is something that I'll definitely need to think about carefully tomorrow when I print my actual final designs.
I think personally with this one the lining was alright however it looks too faint, but it could possibly work however the tracks wouldn't be legible at all.
These are some of the prints which printed quite well, however didn't quite line up properly. I thought these could work if I do it the same tomorrow for my final but just line it up better. I think my problem was that I wasn't putting a lot of pressure while printing on my screen so it was faint and that my lining was very off so even though some printed alright the lining was quite blurry and not really salvageable (e.g. because the red and blue king yang symbol were completely off, it doesn't look very good and you could tell it was really off). Also, I've realised that because the paper I'll be using is grey and quite thick I would have a really hard time on printing the inside bit of the card, however, it is just a pattern- but I still want i t to line up properly because I want it to look really even and clean on the inside, therefore I will need to have some kind lining measure for the inside layout so that it will be bang on with the inside.
Although, today seemed kind of pointless because I may have spent a lot of tie just screenwriting j-cards won't even be my final I think it was worthwhile for me to do because now I've become more confident about screen printing and it's made me realise what I should do to hopefully make my final look as polished and good for the exhibition display as well as make the actual designs I've made look worth the effort.
Things I'll need to look out for tomorrow
- Putting a thick enough layer of ink and putting strong pressure while flooding the screen to make clear bright prints.
- Use absorbent grey paper stock to print on.
- Make sure the lining is as accurate as possible for the layers as well as the front and back of my j-cards
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