Friday 4 May 2018

STUDIO BRIEF 2: Presentation Day

Today we had to present our exhibition proposal to other teams and lecturers. Generally, the feedback for our prevention was good.


  • The theme of 'origin' was very strong and interesting and definitely something that could be developed more in order to have a more refined collateral outcome for the exhibition.
  • The collateral and overall theme was very consistent across all collateral of the exhibition and has made quite strong branding for the exhibition itself.

Constructive Criticisms 
  • Maybe if the Instagram was more concise and timed similar like the rest of the collateral as it was seen as quite weak compared to the others. Maybe make it more traditional like the first three pictures .
  • Starts to look a bit museum gift shop wish
  • Shelve layout is a bit too much and not practical - so maybe making them horizontally longer and interpret the 'tree of life' idea a bit differently. 
  • Maybe use spot colours. 

I think that considering people thought our exhibition was very consistent is very good as at first we kinds struggles and strayed off to our original intentions and I think it shows how we have picked ourselves up by realising the problems and fixing it straightaway. In addition, I think that we did really well in having a fairly cheap exhibition proposal as we have thought well of the production cost and it so happens that the materials that we were using were quite cheap, readily available and fit our theme as well, which I think helped us in our proposal. 

However, maybe because we have focused our attention to other aspects of the exhibition, this may have resulted in us not making the social media as refined, because some our group mates didn't really do their designated job roles therefore we aha e to help and take over some, making us less productive with other things. This also goes to our exhibition layout which I personally thought was quite disappointing and something that the other groups in their own presentations did really well. Because our exhibition layout kept being delayed and not thing done properly we didn't really have much time developing it a couple of times and refining it therefore it sounds a bit impractical and doesn't quite work realistically. 

Despite all of these issues though, I think our group still did the best that we could and produced an interesting and contemporary twist to a traditional museum or archive that we have referenced our exhibition from. I think despite our setbacks swell we have managed to help and work together as a team in order to show a very concise and branding effective exhibition proposal. Although, if we were to do this again, I would've liked for our exhibition layout to be done quite earlier in order for it to be developed and refined better, leading less gaps for impracticality and for it actually work in real life.

Looking at other people's exhibitions, as I've mentioned before some of them I think did really well explaining and developing their exhibition layouts. I particularly liked team 1686's overall theme for their exhibition. They have a lot of e,emtns which visitors can enjoy and it also is kind of like and experiment and I like how they liked their whole them and applied it on their own exhibition by also creating an algorithm of how the people class certain genres with. The only thing was maybe they could've thought of how the flag layout will affect the whole exhibition and consider things like, visitor congestion and visitor heights. 

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